For readers who are just beginning to learn about the unanswered questions of 9/11, here are some opportunities to learn more.
- Spend one minute watching collapse videos of WTC 7
- Read about The Failure to Defend the Skies and the lies that followed
- Read about:
- The 9/11 Commission Report
- Its Omissions and Distortions and its inability to discover evidence
- The Family Steering Committee’s response
- Review:
- The NIST reports for the World Trade Center
- Critiques of the NIST reports for WTC 7 and for the Twin Towers
- Videos that NIST held secret for years
- Visit informative websites including:
- View James Corbett’s 5-minute video on 9/11
- Read the news at 9/ and
- Consider the 9/11 Consensus Points
- Read 9/11-related blogs at Dig Within, and Shoestring 9/11